Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

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Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

Post by sasha » October 6th, 2019, 12:02 pm

Pile on, you metabolic sons-a-bitches...

There appears to be NO residual damage from my recent mini-stroke apart from a few small, localized blind spots in my visual field - and I cannot say with certainty that they weren't there before. I've known for several years that plaque formations have been accumulating on my retina - maybe the stroke has just made me take notice of every near-subliminal symptom I may have been experiencing all along. The problems I'm having now with my back, and the diagnosis of glaucoma, are real enough - just unrelated to that neurological electrical storm.

Christ, if it's not one thing it's another.

At least glaucoma sounds far scarier than it actually is - my old college roommate has lived with it for decades, and probably sees better than I do. It progresses slowly, and is easily managed. Just one more med I must remember to take. And the pot shop near my sister's house is due to open soon...

The back pain? Actually a relapse of a condition that laid me up a decade ago - an aching spine if I stand for too long (like several minutes at a time), and shooting pains down my right leg when I walk. As it did then, with rest it seems gradually to be clearing up. Dog and I managed a mile-and-a-half last night on the rail trail (3/4 out & back) - and this morning we pressed beyond the Hollow to (the late) Bill's house, for about the same distance. I was in a little pain when we got home, but nowhere near the agony of a few days ago. Still, I think it might be wise to take it slow, not to think I'm healed when I'm probably just healing. 'Cause if this doesn't clear up by the time snow flies, I could be in deep shit.
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Re: Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

Post by stilltrucking » October 6th, 2019, 12:20 pm

Wethe bastard sons and daughters of godless humanity

piling on maTTRESSES
IT IS ALL turtles and mattresses from :arrow: here to

the princess is sleeping on top of fifty DreamCloud™ mattresses and that pea under them feels like the pinnacle of mount Everest poking her in the back.

No wonder she resents us,she knows we know we were lucky when the creator rolled the x/y dice and we did not get the double x. Um, must be a lot to like about being born as a woman. All the wonderful clothes you would get to where, and all that silky smooth underwear. Even so, I am grateful to have been born a simple man. Most of all I am grateful to her as my "other" Women are better than us. They make better lovers than men. OF course, that is just my opinion as a heterosexual wombless male.
:arrow: here.

good old days of whines and poses
grateful I still got plenty left to loose
sitting here in sunshine and gentle breeze,
October and Texas summer winds down, can't stand these south texas humid summers without a lot of soul

I own texas and hell, these days I am living in texas and renting hell to the woman next door

my bike sits in the sunshine, unridden for two days

this old age ain't for sissies
take care
hang in there and keep on keeping on
cause we got to make for the long haul when everyone boards the bus

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Re: Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

Post by sasha » October 6th, 2019, 4:32 pm

thanks for the words, jack, sounds like you know what it's like to be starkly reminded that journey's end ain't too far off. Hell yeah, all we can do is pick up our ruck and keep on trudging down that road. But there's no reason not to enjoy the sunshine along the way...
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

Post by stilltrucking » October 6th, 2019, 4:57 pm

I am on the downhill side of my climb
the boulder rolls free out of its center
rolling down this thread/hill and I stroll after it.
as me and Sisyphus enjoy the October sunshine on our faces

I got a two-month hiatus from my struggle for the legal tender

leisure sweet leisure on studio eight

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Re: Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

Post by the mingo » October 17th, 2019, 1:35 pm

Roy! You got a zuihitsu goin' on ! Gawd damn cats is what I got - 17 of them at last count - all from one kitten I found abandoned by the road on a bike ride ride last year - no good deed goes unpunished - went down to the local SPCA (fuck them ) who wanted to make me legally responsible for them and all the shots they said I needed to for them - hundreds of dollars to which I replied ( Fuck You ) - I took my 17 cats & left with a new plan in my head -

Some of the local farmers are going to be surprised in the morning. I'm getting out of the cat business. Hell yeah, Mongolia!
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

Post by sasha » October 17th, 2019, 2:18 pm

Not knowing anything of your situation or whereabouts, it didn't feel right co-opting your Zuihitsu thread, so I set up shop over here. I'll be more than happy to rejoin you over in Mingo's Lingo.

Our own humane society charges something like $100 to take a dog off your hands - I suspect that may be why my current housemate was stripped of ID and dropped off on a back road to fend for himself. If he was a dormitory or frat/sorority dog (I'm 20 minutes from Franklin Pierce College), and he got to be too much to handle, financially strapped college kids might find a way to justify doing that. I'll never know his background - but he does seem to have imprinted particularly on young women. If I were 50 years younger, I might be tempted to take advantage of that.
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Re: Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

Post by goldenmyst » April 23rd, 2020, 12:41 am

I hope your winter went by without too much pain. I too have back pain. Mine is manageable and not too severe yet. Just visualizing you and your dog briskly walking the trails is a wonderfully reassuring thought that carries this city dweller back in memory to my own time spent in the backwoods. I admire you ability to be happy away from the city and its amenities. You are living life to the fullest come what may. And that is a quality that will keep you on the upside of life likely for many years to come.


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Re: Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

Post by sasha » May 3rd, 2020, 10:28 am

Thanks for your kind thoughts & words, John. I'm too much a creature of the forest to fully appreciate those urban amenities you allude to - whenever I visit a city, I'm too focused on tending to whatever brought me there so I can get out and return to where I belong. "You can take the boy out of the country, but..."

Sadly, Kane is no longer with me - he went missing a few months ago and never returned. I wrote about it in Mingo's Zuihitsu thread in Artlogs, but didn't bring it up elsewhere, so unless you lurk those pages, you'd have no way of knowing. This is the 3rd time I've had a companion animal disappear on me, and it doesn't seem to get easier with practice. They all had names beginning with 'K' - Kelly, Keats, Kane. Guess I shoulda gone with Joules after all......
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Re: Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

Post by goldenmyst » May 12th, 2020, 3:57 pm

So sorry he went missing my friend.,Losing a canine companion can be heartbreaking. I lost my Boston Terrier almost a year ago to kidney failure from old age. Saying goodbye to her was incredibly hard. My condolences to you my friend.


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Re: Zuihitsu #LXII - Pile On, Pile On

Post by sasha » May 13th, 2020, 7:36 am

goldenmyst wrote:
May 12th, 2020, 3:57 pm
...Losing a canine companion can be heartbreaking...
Ain't that the truth. Packing away his toys was hard, but discovering another one under the bed a few days later... The wound is pretty much scabbed over now, but there are still a few triggers I have to be wary of. I'm sorry you lost your pal too, but we're hardly in exclusive company - anyone who's fallen in love with a dog goes through it.
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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