calling out truckin and joker

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calling out truckin and joker

Post by K&D » September 1st, 2005, 12:39 pm

whats the deal with the handpuppets? thats all i want to know. i have a few hypothesis and their kinda weirding me if either of you could explain yourselves that would be helpfull.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 1st, 2005, 1:48 pm

I come back to you on clay's weirdo post on general discussion. I pity your father for what he is missing. Sisters so precious to me, I can't think of any greater blessing for a man than to have a daughter. Are you getting enough sleep. Could be part of the confusion problem College can be such a grind.

Take care of yourself. One of the best things I learned trucking was how to sleep fast. Even a forty five minute nap can make a world of difference

MRGuilty, Diesel Dyke, also hand puppets. I don't like the diesel dyke one. Too stereotypical. My idea was to find the voice of a woman. She was supposed to be all about women and children. Which is pretty much all I think about these days. I think I have some more puppets but I can't think of them right now.
Nope that is all, but on litkicks I was zero hero, short timer homeboy and about twenty others. I couldn't say two words without getting deleted. I would just grab another user name and keep on trucking. No complaints. just kept on trucking.

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Post by K&D » September 1st, 2005, 2:58 pm

they would edit your post.

haven't been sleeping well, you and i and the puppets are up pretty fucking late. yesterday i was sick. i slept in the middle of the day and so i was up late. the posts really aren't that bad, i mean puppets or otherwise, just weird, the unspokeness of handpuppets. so which ones mostly you? read what i wrote about fragmentation in general descussion.

i'm sorry i just don't like having something that i think and then not having it descussed.

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Post by diesel dyke » September 1st, 2005, 7:39 pm

I hope you are sleeping like a baby right now. Talk at you later. Who do you trust? I will open my heart to you about anything if it helps.

KD I was going to post this to mousey1 in her post about "I would like to know" post. But since we were talking about fragementation I thought it would fit here. Mousey1 one a classy dame but she might stumble on it here on this trashy place. I got to be honest with you. I don't know who you are, you could be a fifty five year old ex marine working at the Bexar county sherriffs office for all I know. Just trying to give you my best shot in case you are who you say you are.

Mousey1 this don't exactly answer your question but it is as close to an answer as I can give you. Your may be a rodent, but you are a hell of a lot funnier than Mickey. Thanks for the. laughs.
There are maybe ten people posting on studio eight who I really trust. By trust I mean I believe them. I believe they are who are they say they are. They know who they are so no need to name names. I come at them straight. The rest I put in Husserlian brackets. I try to see them with the eyes of a child.
Maybe I should have titled this On Bullshit. Because I have not read much in phillosophy.

Life on the Screen:
Identity in the Age of the Internet
"RL is just one more window, and it's usually not my best one." These are the words of a college student who considers the worlds he inhabits through his computer as real as RL--real life.
He's talking about the time he spends "being" four different characters in three different MUDs--multi-user domains--as well as the time he spends doing his homework on the computer. As he sees it, he splits his mind and "turns on one part" and then another as he cycles from window to window on his screen. The computer and the Internet allow him to explore different aspects of himself. As another user puts it, "You are who you pretend to be."

Hell is other people. — JEAN PAUL SARTRE
Love is other people. — MARTIN BUBER ... berts.html

My own predilection on this issue, if I can be forgiven a violation of the ostensible objectivity now required in philosophical discussion, comes to this. Phenomenology has taught me to take things, attitudes, ambience, and relations straight up, with no excuses. I pay little attention to the famous Husserlian bracket, which seeks for the pure essence of things, for I regard such efforts in his work and those of his followers as a form of epistemological self?deception, a result of the rigid science it deplores in a fruitless search for true objectivity. To the contrary, nothing, nothing, is ever totally bracketed, for leaks are everywhere.4
Experience Grows by Its Edges

4) Relation seduction

William James was fond of urging us to live on the fringe, beyond the ken of normal, everyday experience. To that end, he experienced with hallucinogens and spent considerable time in pursuing investigation of the claims made on behalf of extrasensory perception. James was also fascinated by persons who claimed to attain extraordinary insight by virtue of religious, aesthetic, or even dietary experiences. He found saints, yogis, and clairvoyants of equal fascination. For James, the present reach of the normal consciousness was puerile when compared with what he regarded as possibilities as yet unseen except by a few unusually bold and gifted persons.

Actually, James points to a double fringe. The first we have discussed, for it refers to the implicitness hidden in every object, event, and situation. That fringe holds the ongoing relational leads which we too often prematurely cut in the name of obviousness and definition. The second fringe is more fascinating and more dangerous. Some persons are driven by the temptation to transcend the boundaries of common experience and belief. Through intense, single‑minded commitment, they fasten on a vision of reality not given to the rest of us. Rooted in political or religious belief, this commitment can be liberating for others, but it can also be a snare of major self‑deception. For every Abraham, Jesus, Mohammed, Marx, or Nietzsche, there are hundreds of self‑benighted souls who become so enamored of their personal goal that they find themselves cut off from the stark claim of reality.

Still more dangerous is the fringe which is accessible by means of pharmacology. Mind‑altering drugs are now a fact of public and familial life.29 Yet the leap over the relational chain to experiences which are literally de novo and beyond normal capacity tends to freeze in a world of experience that has no connection with our body, our things, and our space‑time relations normally undergone. I do not deny that the trip to the fringe is exhilarating. The question is whether one can ever return without experiencing severe depression in response to the comparative tawdriness of the everyday. The trouble with relation seduction, be it local fanaticism on behalf of a visionary goal or pharmacologically induced, is that it is addictive and therefore more manacling than liberating.
"We are made to be immortal, and yet we die. It's horrible, it can't be taken seriously. —ianeskimo"

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Post by K&D » September 2nd, 2005, 1:20 am

i have a mentor, a mentor i know in real life, but the majority of our descussion is over e-mail, and its weird, now its a nessessity because he lives across the country...but even when i went to school we mostly talked over e-mail.

its strange i feel uncomfortable around him face to face, and i really think its because i admire him so much. he's also a really quite person when it comes to talking face to face...he is not the best with social ques and shit.

i feel towards l-rod in a very similar way that i feel towards this real life mentor/friend of mine. there both around the same age, and frankly in many cases, probably because of there age and similar expericene say similar stuff. though i'm sure i care about L-rod, hell maybe i even love L-rod (and i'm not one to throw around the Love word, i wasn't raised that way if you get what i mean) but i feel more of a connection between me and my mentor who i know in person. i'm not one of these people who are strong beleives that the internet is some sort of great way of connection.

i'm not into drug experimentation, i'm afraid i might not come back, you know. kesey said he could never trust anyone who hadn't experimented with that fridnge, so i quess i'm not on that list. i am into pushing people to see who they are, what kind of character they are.

i don't know how to respond to your message. i think sometimes in all of us we wonder why we do and say the things we do, sometimes i can have a sort of exteme gypsyjoker thoughts in my head sometimes too...i get this whole self consious thing and this really pissed off thing...those are the sides i don't show as much, esp the pissed off person, which like i said earlier is why it comes out and it floods you know.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 2nd, 2005, 3:37 am

Still more dangerous is the fringe which is accessible by means of pharmacology
I put too much accademic bull shit on your table. I am very into Husserl. Something about the idea of a 90 year old man being arrested as an ememy of the state appeals to me. I would like to be dangerous to the state when I am ninety.
I put the other quotes on their to kind of balance Husserl, I agree with the guy who said
I pay little attention to the famous Husserlian bracket, which seeks for the pure essence of things, for I regard such efforts in his work and those of his followers as a form of epistemological self?deception
I am not looking for essence. Just want to see what I am seeing when I see it.

I was a very sick puppy, a lot of violence in me, a lot of hatred. I think that drugs can be a sacrement. As in the Native American Church. but I don't reccomed them for anyone. As you said some people don't come back. Not worth the risk. Cid is just something that happened to me. I am grateful that I read Nietzsche during my first trip. Saved me from being a Jesus freak.

Who do I trust, I trust Clay. He is as honest a pirate as I have ever met. Kesey was a good man. BUt he wasn't perfect. I think he had more respect for women than did Keroquack. Keroquack was a sweet man, almost a saint, but very shallow with women. Just my humble opinion.
i am into pushing people to see who they are, what kind of character they are
I am so not into that. I will never use an insincere emoticon with you I promise. Time loves a hero. I don't push anyone, at least not consciously.

Check out rat bag quote about mind control on hester's board mystic arts, The mind a good servant, a poor master.

talk at you later, I called you princess once sorry, just the way I see you I see izeveryboyin, i would like to live to be 90 to see how you and she are doing when you hit your stride in your 50's. That is all I meant by princess, future powerful and valuable women.
I hope that is not sexist.

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Post by K&D » September 2nd, 2005, 11:16 am

but didn't you say you were into pushing the limits? or did i pull that out of my ass< thats quite possible that i did.

i trust clay as well, but i feel like i've known him for a long time, same with dor, i think we agree on less and are very different but thats not a bad thing.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 2nd, 2005, 11:41 am

I posted the lyrics to a song by waylon jennings I don't know what taking it as far as i can go has to do with fucking with peoples heads because I am curious about the characters. Now a zen master might be trying to enlighten a student and mess with his mind but not because he is wants to see if he can punch his ticket.

Lyrics for Song: Heaven or Hell - Waylon Jennings
Lyrics for Album: Wanted!
Sometimes it's heaven,sometimes it's hell
Sometimes i don't even know
Sometimes i take it as far as i can
Sometimes i don't even go

My front tracks are headed for a cold water well
My back tracks are covered in snow
Sometimes it's heaven,sometimes it's hell
Sometimes i don't even know

Heaven ain't walking a street paved with gold
Hell ain't a mountain of fire
Heaven is laying in my sweet baby's arms
Hell is when my baby's not there

Chorus bis:(a tone higher)
My front tracks are headed for a cold water well
My back tracks are covered in snow
Sometimes it's heaven,sometimes it's hell
Sometimes i don't even know

Sometimes it's heaven,sometimes it's hell
Sometimes i don't even know

yeah maybe we ought to break this off for a while.

I think you blew it with this sn

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Post by K&D » September 2nd, 2005, 6:08 pm

so let me get this straight, though yes, this conversation of identity is kind of boreing me too, you think i am not who i say i am...what is the logic between this.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 2nd, 2005, 6:34 pm

where is the joy in it. fuck the logic, I would think you got a lot ol logic in college

where is the joy in this
where is the fun
don't mind me I am just a fourteen year methodist girl
and you know girls just want to have fun
it is boring to go over the same thing over and over and over
i got nothing to prove let me save you some time
I have no character
nobody you want to know
do you enjoy this?
it is boring
give a story give me a song give a poetry tell me something new

and thank you I thought I was to old to get bored.
you make me feel young again
god all mighty I am bored :roll:

and whould like cheese with your whine?

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Post by MrGuilty » September 2nd, 2005, 7:07 pm

a story about buttons
I trust Cecil
I trust jimboloco
I trust wireman

Maybe you just pushed my button

I am a poser here, I don't have a creative bone in my body

Do you think words are magic

could I say world peace
love and understanding
could I say part the red sea and New Orleans would be dry
just rambling rambling
give it a try
turn off the logic
just let your fingers dance

this is my favorite sock puppet right now
I know it is me
but somehow I feel better about myself as mrguilty
congradulations kid
now you know
you can push my button
all you seem to do is bitch at me
as if you are looking for some meaning in my words
if words were magic I would say
and he would appear
just like I said Kerouac and Dylan acouple of weeks ago
and there you were like magic
your dyslexia comes and goes
which makes me feel like it is an affectation
give it a try
let your mind drift so blind
don't worry what you will find
I tell you this
if you are really who you say you are
I love you in silicon love
different than carbon love
it is electric
congradulations you have pushed my button
I really was bored
I used to be smart

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Post by K&D » September 3rd, 2005, 3:25 am

again the whole words only being 7% thing...i wasn't whining just fuckin around. i really don't care.

so you want to hear something new. um, all i got today is that my grandpa passed away and it hasn't hit yet, my dad called for the first time in weeks to tell me this. then i had to call my mom and comfort her. then some freshman fucker got drunk and called my psyc friend while she was on Residant Assistant duty, and he was beligerent, but finally let her in because she was a woman. apparently one of our friends friend slept with someone and broke his little heart, and this was the first time he got drunk, so he kept ssaying over and over again....he called my friend a cop, and informant, you know that sort of thing and this made her pretty sad, because she never wants to be that she only wanted to help. one of the kids friends thought there was something wrong with him, he had a little blood in his mucouse...its a santa fe thing not a drunk thing.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 3rd, 2005, 9:28 am

that is very sad. I hope things will get better for you soon. I just can't under stand why all this bad stuff is happening to you.
You seen like such a nice kid.

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Post by MrGuilty » September 3rd, 2005, 10:57 am

Listen Atit. I have said this before. You need to talk to your mother. If she went through seven miscarriages to have you, she must have wanted a daughter more than life itself. There was a PBS show about the mother daughter relationship. It is deep and beautiful. DOes your mother have email? Why are you telling all this to some old creep you met on the internet? I remember my niece after she had broken up with a boy friend, she was so unhappy and she thought it was unfair because her ex boy friend was happy and she was so unhappy. She asked her mother why is he happy and I am so miserable. Her mother said "because he chooses to be happy"
I used to be smart

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Post by stilltrucking » September 3rd, 2005, 11:36 am

I remember you saying that your grandfather was very ill and expected to die soon. But you said it was ok or cool, I don't want to put words in your mouth, but it seemed like you were prepared. But it just goes to show you that no matter how much you think you can deal with the expected death of a love one. It still hits you like a truck.

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