she's quick

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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2006, 12:38 am

Wait a minute Clay check this out.


During an interview on CBS's "60 Minutes," Richard Clarke, the top adviser on counter-terrorism to President Bush, said that immediately after the attacks of 9/11, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld wanted to bomb Iraq. Even after he was told that Al Qaeda was in Afghanistan, Rumsfeld still insisted that bombing Iraq was a better idea: "There aren't any good targets in Afghanistan, and there are lots of good targets in Iraq," he told Clarke.

Rumsfeld's response was obviously irrational, and if the subject weren't so serious, even comical. Clarke said this would have been akin to Franklin Roosevelt wanting to attack Mexico after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. But giving Rumsfeld the benefit of the doubt, he was probably still in shock from the enormity of this unprecedented terrorist attack.

But what compels seemingly intelligent men to react this irresponsibly?

The answer lies deep inside our primate brain. This instinctive behavior is known as "displaced aggression," and a considerable amount of primate violence consists of bullying those who are smaller and weaker.

Since 1978, Robert M. Sapolsky, a noted primatologist and neuroscientist at Stanford University, has studied a troop of olive baboons living in Kenya's Masai Mara Game Reserve. Sapolsky observed that when assaulted by another adult male baboon, the first reaction is to find someone nearby who is smaller and weaker and make them pay. A subadult male is sought out and chased. The subadult male then lunges at an even smaller adult female. She in turn swats an adolescent who then knocks over an infant.

This same behavior is manifest in the Bush doctrine of preventive war. Iraq was weakened by its previous wars and U.N. sanctions, and even though there never has been any evidence connecting the secular regime of Iraq with the Islamic extremist group Al Qaeda, Iraq was an obvious target for the Bush administration's displaced aggression.


As despairing as man's inhumanity towards man is these days, there is hope for a more peaceful future if you know where to look. It can be found near a garbage dumpster in the Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya.

Last April, Robert M. Sapolsky, a neuroscientist and primatologist at Stanford University, and his colleague Lisa Share reported that a troop of pugnacious baboons have actually learned to be nice to each other! I have previously written about this troop of savanna baboons because there was an uncanny similarity of their behavior to that of the Bush administration after the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

But much has changed since then, and I owe this particular troop of baboons an apology.

The large despotic males, in typical male baboon fashion, ruled this troop by fear, intimidation, and violence while keeping smaller and less aggressive baboons away from a prized source of food -- the local dumpster. That is until fate would have it that all the dominant adult males contracted bovine tuberculosis from discarded contaminated meat and died, leaving behind all the females, their young, and those males of the troop who had been too subordinate to challenge them.

This resulted in a much healthier, more relaxed social hierarchy that has persisted for twenty years, even though the male survivors have since died and been replaced by males from other troops (In baboon society, the females stay with the troop while the males leave to join other troops after reaching puberty). So the troop's resident baboons are somehow instructing the immigrant males in their new social behavior. Sapolsky said, "We don't yet understand the mechanism of transmittal, but the jerky new guys are obviously learning 'we don't do things like that around here.'"

It is an entirely new, previously undocumented code of peaceful conduct for a baboon society, and it has been learned! If only humans were that smart

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Post by jimboloco » February 17th, 2006, 8:59 am

i wasn't being humorous

lady i've been caring for
small cell lung cancer
liver mets
inveterate smoker of cigarrettes
emphyzema as well
pneumothorax from the needlebiopsy
a week on a morphine pump with a chest tube
steroids, intravenous nutrition
codeine cough syrup

tube pulled out finally
she has 12 weeks of chemotherapy
a new regimen
it will kill the cancer
but hey she finally stopped smoking
but her sister is puffing away
like a smoke stack in a combatzone
neverknowing when it might be her last
giving profits to the Man
an me
the nurse who gets the biz :oops: :mrgreen:
I can't stand whiners, cowards and complainers

and what makes me even sicker is when people use the internet to do their personal psychotherapy
thanks, el rod,
i know my job has a future.
hip hip hooray
real men don't aks for direction
they be off runnin wid da big dawgs!
so whyz youza whinin at duh, Da Biotch?
Peter Ahlwardts ("Reasonable and Theological Considerations about Thunder and Lightning", 1745) gave information to individuals seeking cover from lightning to go anywhere except in or around a church.[3]
let us pray,,,,,allmighty ST, ya bringz out da best in me!
Last edited by jimboloco on February 17th, 2006, 9:48 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2006, 9:43 am

Yeah I do my crying on the Internet too, I do my psychotherapy too. You got to cut Clay some slack; he used to be a Young Republican. I tell you this Jim he has paid his dues in spades. I think he is worthy of compassion too. Even when he does not extend it to others. It is a testosterone/baboon thing I think.

My little sister cutting my hair the other day, the bear walked in, I kind of caught a feeling that he did not approve his woman being so close to another man.

Poor Clay,

When you're in love with a beautiful woman it's hard
When you're in love with a beautiful woman you know its hard
cause everybody wants her, everybody loves her
everybody wants to take your baby home

It is a tempest in a toilet bowl, we ought flush it away. Why do we have to turn everything into a pissing contest? Fu*king men, I am fed up with all of you. I wish you dick heads would go away. Leave all these beautiful women to me.

Do I need to put some eimoticons in there somewhere?

Take a couple of deep breaths and look at that picture of Lucy.

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Post by jimboloco » February 17th, 2006, 9:51 am

shit you can't have judih all to yourself!
you ungrateful shibboleth!
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2006, 10:24 am

First time I saw her about six years ago. She left me howling at the moon.

She flys her magic carpet so far above us

Jack straw from wichita cut his buddy down,
And dug for him a shallow grave and laid his body down.
Half a mile from tucson, by the morning light,
One man gone and another to go, my old buddy you’re moving much too slow.

We can share the women, we can share the wine.

Cold front coming in, too cold to sit outside comfortably. I got to find a safe place to sit in. Feng shui is wrong. From reading your posts about sitting I get the impression a blank wall is good?

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Post by jimboloco » February 17th, 2006, 10:40 am

i usually do a blank wall at the zendo
but i can visualize sitting against a stucco wall painted turquoise up on the high desert out west, man.
i have some mandalas that i can use at home or do a cyber alter

a real good site to browse and also save and print out bodacious mandalas & Tibetan Arts,
Mandala of Mahakala
(protector) - Bernag Chen (Black Cloak)
1700 - 1799
Karma (Kagyu) Lineage

45.72x44.45cm (18x17.50in)

Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton
Last edited by jimboloco on February 17th, 2006, 11:00 am, edited 5 times in total.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2006, 10:49 am

Thanks maestro the porch is too much sensory data, my most treasured book right now is The Art Of Happiness, Dalai Lama with an American Shrink. Picked it up for a quater at a thrift store. He gives some simple intructions for meditation. He says do not objectify sensory data or stop objectifying it. ( i cant remember his exact words ) Too much going on out side, the cars trains plains sireens I always wind up closing my eyes. YOU beat me to the punch. I came back to edit my post above, was going to take all that stuff out and just say

Judih is a poetic magic carpet ride..

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Post by jimboloco » February 17th, 2006, 11:04 am

Well ya can have her all to yourselfless ol self
both of youze are elves anyhow dontya think i don't know.
Iz outa town for a few.

We be sittin on th big pawtch
dem big dawgs don all runned away.

Yeah don't try to smash your thoughts
altho this can be a good technique in crisis situations
but practice returning to the present moment
from time to time. yes that's it, try a hammock nap as well, but being attentive to the breath and posture, the composure, yes, that's it.

i have an instruction video, i saved it to me machine, real good stuff! video of a meditation thing
adios, amigos.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2006, 11:46 am

"This quote comes from the book 'Monkey' written by Wu Ch'Eng-En in the middle of the sixteenth century. It is on page 23 of the penguin classics edition. It is spoken by a Patriarch who is teaching Monkey the way of long life. The full quotation is :- "
"To spare and tend the vital powers, this and nothing else is sum and total of all magic, secret and profane. All is comprised in these three, spirit,breath and soul; guard them closely, screen them well; let there be no leak. Store them within the frame; that is all that can be learnt, and all that can be taught. I would have you mark the tortoise and snake, locked in tight embrace. Locked in tight embrace, the vital powers are strong; even in the midst of fierce flames the Golden Lotus may be planted, the five elements compounded and transposed, and put to new use. When that is done, be which you please,
Buddha or Immortal"</p>

Adios, that post above has nothing to do with this thread at all, it is just something I had copied that I was going to paste someplace else. I think I was trying to post it to Cecil, maybe he will see it here.

Thanks for the helpful info. I am most grateful. This reincarnation thing is a bitch for me. I really would like to stay dead. I am just not in a hurry to be dead anymore. The self pity is receeding like the tide.

old trucker saying
"If you cant run with the big dogs, stay under the porch/

Walking the dog with jimbo, as good as it gets for me. Walking the dog is another trucker saying. The old mack trucks had a speedometer that went from Zero to Eighty, between the zero and 80 was a icon of a bull dog. When the speedo meter was twisted all the way around so it was pointing at the little dog it looked like a leash on the dog's neck. That was about 100 mph. I used to come off mountains and through it in neutrial or Georgia Overdrive as them good old boys called it. God what an idiot I was, a blow out at a hundred sets up a hell of a vibration. I used up all my beginers luck. I drive like an old man now. That is the safest place I have ever been, behind the wheel.

oh hell I got go too
talk at you later.
hammer hammer

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Post by jimboloco » February 22nd, 2006, 11:06 am

it is the tao truckin
the alchemy of aksing
instant karmaz gonn a gatcha
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Re: she's quick

Post by palephx » August 5th, 2006, 1:33 am

Lightning Rod wrote:I can't stand whiners, cowards and complainers

and what makes me even sicker is when people use the internet to do their personal psychotherapy

What do you think about people who air their personal problems on the internet?

No, too facile a comment. I apologize. Would an "inability to affiliate" constitute something non-pathological enough? Let me put it this way: Some need (I should really end the sentence there) to have their pain validated. Others need the mere recognition that they're alive.

You can disdain their inability to recognize their circumstances, or you can write about it, since 'change' is obviously beyond your interests. Bitch all you want about their blindness and inadequacy. It only points up that which you won't tolerate in yourself. I can understand that.

Since when is being yourself not guidance enough?
[color=#A0522D][b]Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but [i]feel[/i] disco. Your day will rock.[/b][/color]

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Post by mnaz » August 28th, 2006, 11:17 pm

so then, are you apologizing for chronic whiners? as in, month after month after endless month?

seems to me there's a diff between the above and "using the internet to do your personal psychotherapy". hell, i do that all the time.

but then, i'm unnecessarily angry these days. i know which person we're talking about here (intermittently, at least). he's a good man. i sense that about him. i answer sometimes, or change the channel. Ahhh, that freedom of choice....

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