National Security Presidential Directive 51 – The Last Step

Commentary by Michael Bonanno.

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National Security Presidential Directive 51 – The Last Step

Post by Michael » May 22nd, 2007, 5:01 pm

<center>National Security Presidential Directive 51 – The Last Step Toward Dictatorship</center>

If you like having George W. Bush as your president or The Regime, of which it seems George W. Bush is just a minor part, as your leader, you’ll love National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51. This news was released on the official White House web site.

In it, under almost any catastrophic condition anywhere in the world, as vaguely defined by this directive, George W. Bush will become a dictator. Under NSPD 51, the USA will become the ECG , The Enduring Constitutional Government (and it will be anything but constitutional).

He’ll not be a dictator in The United States of America or, actually, The Former United States of America, as The Regime has divided the citizens of this country against one another. Under NSPD 51, the USA will become the ECG, The Enduring Constitutional Government (and it will be anything but constitutional).

If the mainstream media does not report on this directive, it will be complicit in installing the first self appointed dictator in the history of our nation.

Two questions come to mind when I think about this directive.

Why now, as we draw closer to the 2008 presidential election?

How can anyone support this regime?

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Post by stilltrucking » May 22nd, 2007, 9:28 pm

But people still do support this administration.

I have not seen a word about this in our main stream media.

Hard to believe it is true. But it is.
Interesting discussion about it on the DailyKos
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Post by eyelidlessness » May 22nd, 2007, 9:41 pm

This is just one in a long line of executive orders preparing for lockdown, going back way before Bush. FEMA was created through one of these orders, and was created in order to rebuild/construct new concentration camps in preparation for an "emergency". Other orders deal with suspension of elections, habeas corpus, normal governmental operations and so on.

I sincerely doubt Bush will be the guy who becomes dictator for life. Really, he's bad at his job and most of even his own party can't stand him. He's a liability.

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Post by Michael » May 22nd, 2007, 9:44 pm

Thanks, I'll read the link.

Doreen just wrote me an email asking me if there have been presidential directives like this before and this is what I wrote to her:

There’s a Constitutional process in place in case something happens to the government – Congress is blown up or something like that.

There’s never been anything like this, ever.

If this directive is taken literally, and I don’t see why he’d (they’d) create it if they didn’t plan to take it literally, if a computer call center in India (“regardless of location”) which handles more calls from American users than any other call center, blows up, consequently leaving a large number of Americans without computer technical help (“extraordinary levels of…disruption severely affecting the U.S. population”), he could say that a “cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government, coordinated by the President” (the four most dangerous words in this directive) is needed.

The “location” portion of this directive and the almost boundless definition for a “catastrophic emergency” equals any other contingency plan that this country has ever had on steroids.

It wouldn't be good, but it would be better if the wording was "coordinated by the executive" because that would imply that the vice-president (who's probably the head of The Regime in this case anyway), the chief of staff, the Nationtional Security Advisor and the Cabinet would all be involved. The only other person who's mentioned is the Secretary of Homeland Security, a cabinet position I'd like the next president to eliminate.

Nope, nothing so blatantly open ended and seriously ambiguous.

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Post by stilltrucking » May 23rd, 2007, 7:46 am

I think it has been around for awhile.
I think this all started back in 1947 some act or ammendment to constituition. It originaly had to do with all out nuclear war with Russia. 1947 the year the War Department got renamed the Defense Department.

But this is a whole new thing, it revokes the previous version.
Makes it more vague, wide open as to what causes the process to kick in

How about another Katrina? Seems like that is enough reason, or bird flu. This executive order is spooky.

I like your optimism Michael. I would be extremely happy to see another president in 2009.

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